Laser Focused on Growth Stocks
Sharek’s Stock Portfolios is an asset management firm focused on managing stock portfolios for individuals. Client accounts are managed individually, with each person owning a set of stocks. Founded in 2007 on Wall Street, Shareks is currently located in Midtown Manhattan.
Our company tries to locate the fastest growing stocks in the Stock Market today. Shareks publishes more than 200 independent research reports, newsletters and articles every year to keep intelligent investors in-the-know.
David Sharek
David Sharek is one of Wall Street’s premier stock portfolio managers. Since inception, Sharek’s Growth Portfolio has grown an average of 13% a year, compared to 9% for the S&P 500 (2003-2017). Sharek’s posted three years of greater than 40% returns in 15 years as a stock portfolio manager.
David started his career as a Financial Consultant at A.G.Edwards & Sons in 1999, investing clients in mutual funds, stocks, bonds & annuities.
The 2000 stock market crash crushed his investors and left David leery of Wall Street & mutual funds. Sharek became a student of stocks, and discovered the best stocks often had the highest profit growth.
In 2002 David accepted a position of Vice President—Investments at Wunderlich Securities and developed his Growth Stock Portfolio, which he then focused his attention on. During his first five years as a stock portfolio manager, Sharek’s Growth Portfolio had an average annual return of 24% (2003-2007), more than double the stock market’s (S&P 500) average of 11%.
During the early 2000’s Sharek put his system on paper and published the hardcover book The School of Hard Stocks. The School of Hard Stocks took thousands of hours to research and six years to write. Completed at the end of 2006, Sharek used The School of Hard Stocks as his exclusive stock market guide as he grew stock portfolios 42% in 2007 and beat the market (S&P 500) by 39%. Excerpts of the book were published in the Growth Stock Newsletter and the Commercial Appeal, Memphis’ predominant newspaper.

In 2008 David Sharek founded Sharek’s Stock Portfolios. But yet another stock market crash took the Growth Portfolio down 58% that year. Still, by 2013 client accounts hit new highs.
Today David continues to do his own stock research and manages portfolios on a fee basis from his offices in Midtown Manhattan.